Carson City
Property and Evidence Unit
911 E. Musser St., Carson City, Nevada 89701.
Phone: (775) 283-7862
Release of property is currently by appointment only.
The Property and Evidence Unit is responsible for the proper care and custody of all items brought to the department as evidence, safekeeping or found property. The Property and Evidence Unit maintains all evidence for future legal proceedings. If evidence needs additional lab processing, Property and Evidence Unit personnel will transport the evidence to the Washoe County Crime Lab. Once processing is complete, the evidence is returned to the Carson City Sheriff’s Office for storage. Once items placed into evidence for safekeeping or found property have been held for the statutory requirements, the items are then either returned to the proper owner or disposed of according to statutory requirements. All evidence that is no longer needed for criminal prosecution is returned to the owner or disposed of according to statutory requirements.
Please be advised that all items booked into the Evidence Section pursuant to a criminal case require a Release of Evidence from the Carson City District Attorney before it can be released to the owner. Please verify the District Attorney has issued a release to the CCSO before calling for your property. The Carson City DA can be reached at (775) 887-2072. In some cases, the District Attorney may not release items immediately, pending further investigation or appeals. Upon closure of the cases and receipt of necessary releases, an owner must pick up his/her property within 90 days.
If your property has been lost or stolen, you should file a report as soon as possible. If you have a record of the serial number on the item(s) or if you have applied your own number, include that in the report. Items lost or stolen that are reported with their serial numbers stand a far better chance of being returned to their owners. An owner has 90 days to claim his/her found property. If you have lost some property and would like to see if it has been turned in, you may contact us by phone. As a finder, you may contact the Evidence and Property Section at 90 days to see if the item remains unclaimed; we will advise you of release procedures at that time.
Owners must pick up any safekeeping and/or personal property items within 90 days of the item coming into our custody. If you need more time, contact the Evidence Section to request an extension. Unclaimed items, including items belonging to incarcerated persons who have not contacted the Evidence and Property Section, will go to auction or be disposed of.
If you would like someone else to pick up your property, we must receive a NOTARIZED letter of authorization from you. If you are picking up property of a person who is currently incarcerated, that person must write a letter authorizing you to pick up his/her property. For deceased owners, you must have paperwork showing you as the Executor of the Estate, or a will with a copy of the death certificate. Please include the Report Number on all paperwork in order for us to help you more efficiently.
In some circumstances, items can be mailed. The owner/requestor may be required to cover all shipping costs. Please contact the Evidence and Property section for further details.
Be Aware: When claiming property, you must have valid government issued identification and be able to produce a receipt or proof of ownership for the item if required.
All evidence or property collected in homicide cases will be stored until the defendants are deceased or until 99 years from the date of the incident. Property/evidence may be released, however, if the following conditions are met:
- All court action involving any suspects must be final and the District Attorney must have approved the release.
- All persons convicted must have served both their sentence and completed parole.
- In felony cases where there are no suspects or leads, evidence will be maintained for a period no longer than the statute of limitations. After expiration of the statute of limitations, if there are no leads or suspects, the evidence will be disposed.
- Any felony case whereby the District Attorney sent an Evidence Release to dispose/release evidence prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations.
- In misdemeanor cases evidence will be maintained for two years. After two years the evidence will be disposed.
- Any misdemeanor case involving property whereby the District Attorney has approved disposal/release of evidence prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations.
- All persons claiming a firearm must pass a background check prior to release.
- A receipt or bill of sale may be required depending on the circumstances surrounding the item.
Found Property
- The owner, if identified, will be given 90 days to prove ownership and claim the property.
- All unclaimed property will be auctioned, disposed of, or converted to departmental use. Exception: Found firearms will be destroyed.
- Property that is being held for safekeeping shall be returned to the legal owner upon request. Property not claimed within 90 days is to be considered intentionally abandoned by the owner and disposed of.