Carson City
The Planning Division manages both Current Planning and Advanced/Long Range Planning activities.
Current planning refers to the day-to-day operations of the division. It involves: responding to the public’s questions regarding City zoning; approval of discretionary permits; resolving zoning complaints and enforcement of codes; administration of the zoning, subdivision land development process, signs and billboards, landscaping, growth management and other ordinances; easements and roadway abandonments; census and statistical information; parcel map and lot line adjustment administration; and review of building plans for residential, commercial/industrial/institutional and multi-family projects. The current planning section provides planning and zoning staff for the City’s One Stop Shop/Permit Center and the Planning Commission.
The division’s advanced planning work program involves the establishment, updating, and implementation of various Master Plan elements. It also involves the development of ordinances and policies to implement Master Plan goals and objectives in compliance with State law. Advance planning projects and activities normally require extended time frames to be completed and implemented due to consensus building with groups of interested persons and individuals. These groups may include the Chamber of Commerce, the Builders Association of Western Nevada, senior citizens, concerned neighborhood groups and other special interest groups.
Hope Sullivan AICP, Community Development Director
Heather Ferris, Planning Manager
Heather Manzo, Associate Planner
Lena Reseck, Assistant Planner
Phone: (775) 887-2180
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